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Transforming your life through yoga

Yoga is a way of life. It extends way beyond our classes and work out sessions, and extends into every aspect. The yogic lifestyle is highly beneficial for ourselves as well as for the world around us. In these times of environmental crisis, if we all take the oath to make a few changes to adopt the yoga lifestyle, we can make the world a better place.

In simple words, adopting a yoga lifestyle involves trying to live our everyday lives inspired by the way of life the ancient Indian yogis lived. It is a commitment we make to ourselves, an understanding of where we humans stand in the ethos of this world, our relationship with the other species and the planet.

Yoga is a lifestyle and not just a mere kind of exercise to stay fit and healthy. It is a science which unfolds the endless potentials of our mind and soul.

The ancient Indian approach to yoga was very different from how we see it. Yoga was not only a part of life; it was a way of life. It did not end with a session, but it molded daily lives. The asanas and breathing exercises are just one part of the Yogic Lifestyle.

This way of life involved studying and deep understanding of the Yogic philosophies, earning good karma, alignment of chakras, kindness towards others, awareness of our environment and gratitude for all we have. This lifestyle is highly beneficial for our own well being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, as it helps us be better humans.

It is also considerate towards the planet. In the wake of the current environmental conditions and climate change, if we all try to adopt the yoga lifestyle we can make a real difference.